Friday, July 30, 2010

About the Book Monster

A month ago, my daughter came marching out of her bedroom.

"Mum.  This book says I'm a bookworm!"

She was delighted. To find out what it is you are - who you are - when you feel different to everyone else is a magnificent thing.  But herein lies the problem.

My daughter -  the fairy queen, the pirate princess -  is five years old.  She reads better than many teenagers.  I call her the Bookmonster. She munches through books like the Cookie Monster attacks cookies, and I am going mad trying to keep up with her.

The problem is not trying to find books.  We go to the library each week - there is no shortage on the shelves.  The problem is finding books she SHOULD be reading. Books that will open the horizons for her, without teaching her about concepts a five year old doesn't need to know.  Books that will build her love of the language.  Books that will challenge and stretch her, without forcing her to become a teenager before her time.

The Bookmonster is a very young advanced reader.  There isn't a lot out there for children who read so many years ahead, and we need all the help we can get.  This is me, bookmumster, seeking help.

This blog will list what Annika Bookmonster has been reading lately - the nitty gritty of titles and series and if she feels like it, an analysis from the Bookmonster herself.  And then, it's over to you, oh great Internet public.  I'm hoping the parents of other Bookmonsters (or the monsters themselves) will join us to share what they have been reading too.  Bookmonsters of the world -  unite!

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